A Guide to Growing Ice Box Watermelon

This vine plant ripens quickly compared to the usual watermelon. This fruit weighs between 5 and 10 pounds, making it compact and ideal to feed a small family. Like other watermelons, it is rich in vitamin A and C and contains calcium, phosphorous, and iron. It also comes in many varieties to choose from. 

How to Grow Ice Box Watermelon

Icebox watermelons are quite easy to grow, provided you know what is needed to grow them successfully. Basically, they should be planted in moist and nutrient-rich soil and get exposure to sunlight. 

When maintained well, they ripen quickly in a period of 85 days. maintain. However, they require a lot of space whether you plant them in your backyard garden or in a container. Generally, the stem of this plant can measure up to 6 feet long, depending on the type of seed.

The good news is that you can plant them vertically and support them on a trellis if you have limited space.

Growing Requirements

Icebox watermelons require rich soil, light, and favorable temperatures to thrive.

Rich Soil

This plant thrives well in rich and well-drained soil. The soil should also be warm (10 degrees C) and free from weeds.


You must plant icebox melons in full sunlight to yield fruit. Generally, it should be exposed to 8-10 hours of daylight. 


To thrive, you must water your icebox watermelons with 1-2 inches of water weekly. However, this can depend on the weather temperature. Just ensure that you don’t overwater or underwater your fruit.

Temperature and Humidity

This watermelon does well in a tropical climate with temperatures of 77 degrees (F) OR 25 degrees C. Ideally, this fruit should not be subjected to frost.

How to Propagate and Prune Icebox Watermelons

Follow these steps to propagate your icebox melon:

  • Remove the bottom leaves of the plant to leave a bare stem.
  • Place the vine in a jar with water, while ensuring that the node doesn’t reach the node where the leaves were.
  • Wait for the roots to appear, basically after 12 days, and plant the new plant.
  • It should start producing fruit after 7 weeks.

To prune, remove yellow leaves, dead vines, and any rotten fruit.

How to Pot and Repot

You can transport your icebox watermelon to a 5-gallon container. You just need to place the seeds in the container and add fertilizer once the plant starts to mature. Ensure that the pot has adequate holes for drainage.

Common Pests and Diseases

Icebox watermelons can be attacked by pests like aphids, stripped and spotted cucumber beetles, and root-knot nematodes. They are also prone to fungal diseases like powdery mildew, downy mildew, gummy stem blight, and Alternaria leaf spot.

Brenda Klaus

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